Web Programming using Iron

Michael Sproul

February 16th, 2016

Why use Rust for web servers?

Same reasons you'd use Rust for anything else:

  • Compete with C on performance.
  • Run on embedded devices.
  • Expressive static type checking.
  • Great package management and community.

What is Iron?

Framework for building web apps, built atop the Hyper HTTP library.

I/O is blocking. For non-blocking see MIO.


trait Handler: Send + Sync + Any {
    fn handle(&self, &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response>;

trait AroundMiddleware {
    fn around(self, handler: Box<Handler>) -> Box<Handler>;

What can it do?


Automatically generate serialisation code!

#[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
struct Process {
    pub name: String,
    pub id: i32,
    pub children: Vec<i32>

let handler = |_req: &mut Request| {
    let process = Process {
        name: "Hello world!".to_string(),
        id: 1,
        children: vec![2, 4, 8, 16]
    let body = json::encode(&process).unwrap();

{"name":"Hello world!","id":1,"children":[2,4,8,16]}

URL Query Parameters

GET /?name=Bland+Example&age=9000
use urlencoded::UrlEncodedQuery;

fn handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
    let params = match req.get_ref::<UrlEncodedQuery>() {
        Ok(p) => p,
        Err(_) => return Ok(Response::with("No query given"))
    for (key, values) in params {
        println!("> {:?}: {:?}", key, values);
    Ok(Response::with(format!("{:?}", params)))

How does req.get_ref::<UrlEncodedQuery>() work?


  1. Pass around a cache for storing values.
  1. Compute the values in the cache on demand.

The cache is a type map.

Type map

Map from types to arbitrary values. Implemented using std::any::Any - dynamic typing in Rust!

pub trait Key: Any {
    type Value: Any;
struct UrlEncodedQuery;

type QueryMap = HashMap<String, Vec<String>>

impl Key for UrlEncodedQuery {
    type Value = QueryMap;

Plugin traits

pub trait Plugin<E: ?Sized>: Key {
    type Error;

    fn eval(&mut E) -> Result<Self::Value, Self::Error>;
impl<'a, 'b> Plugin<Request<'a, 'b>> for UrlEncodedQuery {
    type Error = UrlDecodingError;

    fn eval(req: &mut Request) -> Result<QueryMap, UrlDecodingError> {
        match req.url.query {
            Some(ref query) => create_param_hashmap(&query),
            None => Err(UrlDecodingError::EmptyQuery)

See Plugin source for caching logic and more details.


At the moment Iron achieves 23.7% the performance of the fastest implementation on TechEmpower's Web Framework Benchmark.

  • Naive implementation.
  • Beats ExpressJS, Flask, other Iron frameworks.
  • Beaten by a few Java servlet things, Haskell's WAI, LWAN (insane C thing).

Want to help out?

  • Improve performance, benchmark.
  • Integrate with more databases and ORMs (like Diesel).
  • Integrate with more HTML templating libraries.
  • Scale Iron apps accross a cluster.

See Also
